Cuba's Cardinal Ortega has laid it on the line for socialism's last despairing outback outpost. The country isn't working, the workers are restless, the prison cells are full, the champagne socialists of the West are distracted by their own problems, Fidel and Raul are holding hands with Hugo Chavez.....the Caribbean's own little socialist paradise is slowly twisting in the wind. What does the picture above have to do with all this? It has appeared before and will again. It reminds me of the way of the cross of the Cuban people under the iron heel of the Castros.
I believe Fidel sleeps well in his comfortable bed. Perhaps if he wakens during the night, he may hear the gentle breeze riffling the curtains of his window. It may or may not sound like 'Ceausescu'. I would hope for his sake that it does not. He and sibling still have time - not much- to do something about their nearly sixty years of ruthless domination of a whole people. I await with interest reports that
Dawkins and Hitchens are setting out their traps for the Glorious Leaders.
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